How Medco Washers are Manufactured

Since 1994 Medco has purchased over ½ million pounds of top grade stainless steel made in the USA at North American Steel in Ghent, KY. All Medco washers are built exclusively with medical grade 304 16 gauge stainless steel with 4B Finish (mirror, no blemishes). A latex type film (mask) is applied on "both sides" after it is flattened to preserve its "Perfect Finish". This process is very expensive and greatly increases labor cost all the way down the production line because special handling is required right up to water testing the washer - then all masking is removed and recycled.

A 40,000 lb and 60,000 lb coil on deck ready for the coil leveler.

This is an extremely high tech machine. It cost over 5 million dollars!
It is a Redbud Coil Leveler. It uncoils the stainless steel coils and flattens the metal for perfect uniformity.
The masking is then applied to both sides (top and bottom) then it is cut into large sheets to be banded onto large pallets.
Note: (the floor is almost clean enough to eat off).
Medco's quality is second to none.

The sheets of stainless steel are placed onto the feeder system of the 4000 watt MAZAK Robototic laser cutter. This high tech machine cost over 1 million dollars and only the highest skilled craftsmen are trained to work with it.

The computer program to operate the two different robot lasers requires over 10,000 pages of code. The computer laser allows us to maximize the number of parts cut out of every sheet of stainless steel producing less waste (green fabricating) while passing the cost savings onto the customer. The little bits of scrap are recycled for even more savings. Nothing gets thrown away.

This expensive hi tech laser cutter produces some of the highest precision parts made by man in the world today.

It takes two strong skilled craftsman working together to place the extra large sheets of stainless steel into this 175 ton Niagara 10ft press brake. This is a monster machine! When that ram drops down it's like the weight of 115 cars coming down at one time! It takes skill, experience, hi tech machines, hard work, desire and a lot of time and money to build Medco washers. Anything less - it wouldn't be Medco!